The new campus in Beitar Ilit began

His honor the holy Rebbe Shlita on a tour observing the progress of the construction of the campus of the yeshiva for young people in the city of Beitar Illit

The construction began a few years ago but was delayed due to budget problems. After the intense activity of friends from around the world, led by the Chassidic leader, Yona Lungar from Miami, Florida, significant progress began in the construction.

Update from the construction at the site shows that the wings are in the finishing stages and that the skeleton is almost ready. The workers are busy installing the plaster and electric ceilings, in the beis midrash, the women’s sector, and in the classrooms.

Wing B is also busy preparing the interior walls of the dining room on the ground floor and the dormitory rooms.

The yeshiva hopes that soon, after decades of learning Torah in distress, they will now learn Torah comfortably.


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