The Institutions
Torah Institutions throughout the country
Educational Institutions

Frameworks for pure education of children in the way of the Torah, in the ways of our holy forefathers

Yeshiva for young teens

The yeshiva is intended for excellent young men with Torah aspirations, who see themselves growing up in the study of the Holy Torah and in the service of G-d, with joy.

Yeshiva Gedola

The yeshiva is intended for excellent mature boys with Torah aspirations, and offers its students an environment that encourages personal growth and academic achievement along with education for the land and values, Fear of G-d and the realization of the personal potential inherent in each student.

Rabbinical acadamies

The network of acadamies called ‘Your Torah is my pleasure’ for excellent students throughout the holy land, studying together the same issues together, as our Sages stressed.


A network of synagogues called Beit Midrash “Tefilah LeDavid” named after our Rabbi, the author of the Flame of David,which is active throughout the the holy landaround the clock for Torah and prayer, which is an open house for every Jew.


שליחת שמות

שליחת קוויטל

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